Spiritual Warfare the 30 Days of Prayer Journal 


There is spiritual warfare taking place right now.  The things you are experiencing here on earth has already taken place in the spirit world.  If you know like I know, the war has already been won.  We have to simply recognize the attack of the enemy and know how and what to pray to keep ourselves and our loved ones under the covering.  Make no mistake about it...we are created in his image and are designed to be in alignment with the word.  We were given sovereign authority to speak those things as though they were. 


You must walk in faith, work in faith, live in faith and know in faith that ALL things work together for good to them that LOVE God, to them who are the called according to HIS purpose.

This 30 day journal was specifically created to help you discover the tools and resources you need to reconnect with God, strengthen your prayer life, recognize the spiritual warfare that is taking place and how to put on the WHOLE armor of God.

With everything that has happened in the last two years, I know without a doubt YOU have been affected indirectly or directly by COVID, job losses, the Great Resignation, homelessness, and death just to name a few.  Get your prayer journal to begin your journey with God through this spiritual warfare.

ONLY 18.99
